
hooray for USPS!

I got my jacket today and it's kick ass. The leather is a lot softer than I expected and fairly light compared to the jacket I wear to work everyday. Not sure if I'll ever use the cargo pockets but they're good to have. Now, I need to order the armor (both sets) and eventually find those armored pants. As soon as I get the new UTMC patch, I'm gonna send the new skin saver off to the taylor to sew the patches on. There's one more memorial patch that needs to be added but I think it's still in the design phase. Hopefully that will get finished up soon. I also dropped off all the shop info and cash for my helmet at my Mom's place.

The RedQueen and I are gonna have dinner with my Ma after shop time on Saturday. Sunday was going to be the bike expo but I think I'm gonna skip it. I looked over the site and didn't see much that interested me. Now, the Ohio AMA Vintage Days, that's gonna be kick ass. I hope I have enough saddle time by July to make the 4 hour trek to Lexington. So, Sunday will be spent cleaning and maybe shopping for rats. The RQ and I used to have pet rats years ago and we've been wanting a pet. I'm hoping to find an all black one but it's unlikely. Pet rat and a rat bike.. hhehehe.

I'm freaking exhausted from work. How can sitting infront of a computer all day make me so fucking tired? Oh wait, it's because I never truly wake up, regardless of how much caffiene I ingest. Plus, I get like this during the winter but it's almost gone! Speaking of tired... I'm off to bed.



The lady that gave birth to me can't bring my helmet back from the UK. So, I found a place with less expensive shipping and ordered it today. Hopefully it will be here by the end of next week. But we'll see, things crossing the Atlantic don't get here so quick.

1 comment:

Surly said...

Take plenty of cash to Mid-Ohio, not that it's that expensive but you will crap your pants when you see the swap meet. It's freakin huge.