Found this 88 BMW K75 on CraigsList for around $1500, has 86k miles (is there such a thing as high miles on a BMW?). I'm not normally a fan of BMW but this bike has my interest piqued. Still digging the GS700E and the SECA. Right now the GS is in 1st with the SECA and BMW tied for second.
I've only ridden a BMW once, for a week or so in the Alps, and it was a boxer twin - but they do have idiosyncrasies. Under accelleration it doesn't squat onto the chain like other bikes but attempts to rotate up and over the drive mechanism (which is why the put a stout stay on the bottom of the driveshaft - the Paralever is supposed to reduce the rubber-cow effect), and the clutch - it's one-piece like a car clutch and you don't (shouldn't) feather it the way you do wet, multi-plate clutches on other bikes, or else it results in a major burnt-smell stink that lasts all day (yeh I did it), and the thumb-operated switchgear on-off stuff is a little weird or was for me. The German name for the K75 was gummikuh or rubber-cow (also is reverse of kuhgummi or chewing gum, both squishy things) relating to the hinge in the middle effect.
I came across this guy's page with who put a Paralever arm on his Monolever bike:
And a discussion thereof:
If you get a BMW then you have to buy an Aerostitch and drink your beer from a Pilsner glass... :-)
I think the GS is probably a better all around'er than the SecaII.
Well, I just checked the Craigslist ad for the GS, it's sold. Two of my friends are big into back road sport touring, so I want something that can keep up with them but also commute.
I'm really digging the K bike, we'll see if that changes after I ride it.
Choose wisely! :-)
As much as I like the unique aspect of the k bike, the seca is lighter and probably a better commuter. I have my pros and cons written out, the test rides will be the major factor. I hope to test ride the yamaha first. Any views on seca?
My buddy John had a Seca II as a commuter bike for a long time. He used to write for Roadracing World and before that Twistgrip and before that CityBike. We worked together when he was editor and I was doing cartoons.
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