
Project CBR600F: The Cure for Leaky Bowl Syndrome

A few weeks ago, I ordered a set of carb kits from eBay.  They came here via the slow boat from Taiwan (they also came with an extra float needle).  While my family was occupied, I brought in the carb bank and started gutting them.


The job was easy and I'm glad I got the kit, not just the gaskets as several of the float valves were in rough shape and barely finger tight; a few jets were the same. Speaking of tight, I may have over tightened one of the bowl screws and pulled the threads out.  Aluminium threads vs steel bolts.  I managed to find a longer bolt that I made work.  Man, this thing is gonna be a total patch work.

There it is.  Like a sore thumb.

I hope to be able to leak test them this weekend and maybe do a test start.  Well, after I drain the radiator and fix that leak.  I'm hitting the BMV this week to get the title processed.  The bike won't run, but at least it's mine.

Project CBR needs to be fully ironed out and road worthy because I'm planning a trip next fall.  If I hit any major road blocks before then, I might have to track down a newer bike and screw up my expenses by buying something that isn't a total basket case.

I sure would like a DR650se or even a CB500x, either would be a fine addition to the garage.  Not that I'm shopping or anything...

Stay safe out there.

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