
Project Odd Duc: Chasing Gremlins and Ghosts

 Recently, someone commented my bike smelled like it is running rich.  So after my ride, I sat and listened to the bike while it idled.  It sounded... off.  I pulled the front plug wire, minimal change.  Pulled the vertical, dead.  Well, that's not good especially since I wanted to take a multi-day trip next month.  Guess that will have to wait until next year.

After some testing, the horizontal cylinder is running at least poorly, but in order to get the bike to run on the vertical only, I have to have the RPMs above idle.  So, my first guess is the carbs are out of sync somehow, or I didn't do it properly.   If the issue persists after the synch, it could be fuel starvation on the idle circuit, or even a spark issue.  The plugs definitely look like it's running rich, or at least burning oil on both cylinders.

I'd like to rule out as many things as I can before tearing into the carbs.  However someone did mention you can clear the idle circuit by removing the mixture screw and blasting cleaner through there.  If I have to tear into the carbs again, I need to double check the float setting. 

So... the plan of action: 

1. Synch Carbs again

2. Swap Coils

3. Swap Ignitor

4. Remove mixture screw and blast idle circuit

5. Pull carbs

No real work pictures to show, so here are some from my last ride. Heated grips are working great! My new to me tank bag is working much better. However dropping the triple has messed with my posture and that will take some getting used to.   I also tinted the windscreen, but those details are to come in a specific post about that process.  Plus, there is another review on the way for a new action camera mount.  

Stay safe out there. 


Installation: Oxford Vintage Style Heated Grips

 I've had heated grips on every bike, besides my vintage Hondas. Typically, I install the cheap Kimpex set and do all my own wiring with a relay (XJ600 and the Hurricane). But this time, I dropped the coin for a set of the Oxford Vintage Style Heated Grips.  I didn't feel like running all the spaghetti to a relay and distribution blocks.  Plus, these include a sensor that turns off the grips if the voltage drops too low, or if the bike is shut off (after a few minutes).   Installation was simple, remove old grips, run your power feed, install new grips, route wires, test, and zip tie it all. 

Still so easy to work on! 

I'm not a fan of this, but it's better than nothing.

Still plenty of clearance if I have to brake while at WFO (don't do that).

Even after a few seconds on high, they were getting toasty!

I skipped the supplied super glue, and went with a light amount of JB Weld.

I love the retro style! 

I'm hoping to get some commutes in this week, and the morning temps have been nice and low so we'll get to see how they do.  

Stay safe out there.