
Project Ducati: Clutching my Rusty Plates

 When we picked up the Duc, I knew the clutch was going to be a trouble spot. Open clutch, steel plates, being sedentary, and East Coast air were not kind.  I managed to pull some of the plates but the rest were fused together.  

I know a certain motorcycle that is getting a closed clutch cover for it's birthday!

Back of the pressure plate.  This could be cleaned up, but the recesses for the springs have some bad wear, so it's time to replace.

The rod is stuck in the bearing.  Shouldn't pull it out from the right side.


Reminds me of the brake drums I pulled off my Jeep Commanche.

Going to hit this with a wire wheel and high temp paint.

Time for clutch pack, springs, and a new pressure plate. 

It's easy for me to say, screw it, I'm buying all new parts, but my budget does not line up with that. So, I'm replacing what needs to be and what doesn't can stay until the future.  

My float seat assemblies have shipped from the Netherlands, who knows when they'll arrive but at least they're in transit.  Once those are in place (assuming I have the valves checked and serviced if required) all that will be left is the clutch, and general reassembly.  Then we can test start for real! Oh wait, I need to repair the fuel pump wiring too.  THEN we can test.  If it's operational, then I'll get the tires swapped, (and if budget allows) replace the chain and sprockets.  

The Hurricane is road ready.  The thermostatic switch is still giving me fits, so I wired in a bypass switch to activate it manually.  Good thing I mounted a spare switch on the cluster back when it was assembled!  I've pulled the side cases and the Lockhart neon windscreen, so it's down to it's fighting weight. 

Now, it's ready to sell. But I'm dreading putting it on FB market place due to all the crap. 


The steel plates, pressure plate, and the damper spring and plate have all been cleaned up.  Now, I just need to tackle the basket.  The plates are stacked up and ready to go.  

Stay safe out there. 

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